Results for 'Albert Douglas Menut'

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  1.  36
    Maistre Nicole Oresme's le Livre de Ethiques d'Aristote.Albert Douglas Menut - 1944 - Philosophical Review 53 (1):78-79.
  2.  49
    Undecidability of the identity problem for finite semigroups.Douglas Albert, Robert Baldinger & John Rhodes - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1):179-192.
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    Cultural Analysis: The Work of Peter L. Berger, Mary Douglas, Michel Foucault, and Jürgen Habermas.Mary Douglas, Robert Wuthnow, James Davison Hunter, Albert Bergesen & Edith Kurzweil - 1984 - Boston ; London : Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    First published in 1984, Cultural Analysis is a systematic examination of the theories of culture contained in the writings of four contemporary social theorists: Peter L. Berger, Mary Douglas, Michel Foucault, and Jürgen Habermas. This study of their work clarifies their contributions to the analysis of culture and shows the converging assumptions that the authors believe are laying the foundation for a new approach to the study of culture. The focus is specifically on culture, a concept that remains subject (...)
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    A Provisional Bibliography of Oresme's Writings.Albert D. Menut - 1966 - Mediaeval Studies 28 (1):279-299.
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    A Provisional Bibliography of Oresme's Writings: A Supplementary Note.Albert D. Menut - 1969 - Mediaeval Studies 31 (1):346-347.
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    Maistre Nicole Oresme, Le Livre du Ciel et du Monde. Text and Commentary (continued) Livre II.Albert D. Menut & A. J. Denomy - 1942 - Mediaeval Studies 4 (1):159-297.
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    Maistre Nicole Oresme, Le Livre du Ciel et du Monde. Text and Commentary.Albert J. Menut & Alexander J. Denomy - 1941 - Mediaeval Studies 3 (1):185-280.
  8.  51
    Persea americana (avocado): bringing ancient flowers to fruit in the genomics era.André S. Chanderbali, Victor A. Albert, Vanessa E. T. M. Ashworth, Michael T. Clegg, Richard E. Litz, Douglas E. Soltis & Pamela S. Soltis - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (4):386-396.
    The avocado (Persea americana) is a major crop commodity worldwide. Moreover, avocado, a paleopolyploid, is an evolutionary “outpost” among flowering plants, representing a basal lineage (the magnoliid clade) near the origin of the flowering plants themselves. Following centuries of selective breeding, avocado germplasm has been characterized at the level of microsatellite and RFLP markers. Nonetheless, little is known beyond these general diversity estimates, and much work remains to be done to develop avocado as a major subtropical‐zone crop. Among the goals (...)
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  9.  9
    The Christian Cosmology of Crawford-Frost.William Albert Crawford-Frost & J. Douglas Rabb - 1989 - Kingston, Ont. : Ronald P. Frye.
  10.  21
    Albert Perley Brogan 1889 - 1983.Douglas Browning - 1984 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 57 (5):621 - 622.
  11. Review of Albert Borgmann, Holding onto Reality. The Nature of Information at the Turn of. [REVIEW]Douglas Kellner - unknown
    Albert Borgmann's new book Holding onto Reality. The Nature of Information at the Turn of the Millennium (1999) continues the interrogation of the epochal significance of new information technology he began in Crossing the Postmodern Divide (1992). For Borgmann, the postmodern divide involves, among other things, a shift from involvement with "focal" things and practices (i.e. activities such as eating, gardening, running, and the like), to immersion in media fantasies, or the thrills of cyberspace and virtual reality. Borgmann continues (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Steven I. Miller, Frank A. Stone, William K. Medlin, Clinton Collins, W. Robert Morford, Marc Belth, John T. Abrahamson, Albert W. Vogel, J. Don Reeves, Richard D. Heyman, K. Armitage, Stewart E. Fraser, Edward R. Beauchamp, Clark C. Gill, Edward J. Nemeth, Gordon C. Ruscoe, Charles H. Lyons, Douglas N. Jackson, Bemman N. Phillips, Melvin L. Silberman, Charles E. Pascal, Richard E. Ripple, Harold Cook, Morris L. Bigge, Irene Athey, Sandra Gadell, John Gadell, Daniel S. Parkinson, Nyal D. Royse & Isaac Brown - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (1):1-28.
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    Immediacy and Mediation in Aquinas: “In I Sent.,” Q. 1, A. 5.Douglas C. Hall - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (1):31-55.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IMMEDIACY AND MEDIATION IN AQUINAS: Introduction "IN I SENT.," Q. 1, A. 5 DOUGLAS c. HALI, Louvain Universtiy Belgium ] ] HE PURPOSE of the present essay is to provide an nalysis of the dialectically related notions of " immediacy " and "med:ia1tion" in Question I, Art~cle 5 of Aquinas' Commentary on the Sentences. "Immediacy" here refers to the non-mediated " light of inspiration " which Aquinas proposes (...)
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  14. Crossing the Postmodern Divide with Borgmann or Adventures in Cyberspace.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    In his major works, Albert Borgmann has explored in depth and detail the role of technology in contemporary life and provided compelling critical, philosophical perspectives. In this study, I primarily discuss Crossing the Postmodern Divide (1992) in relation to the themes of his earlier Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life (1984). While appreciating Borgmann's attempt to provide distinctions between modernity and postmodernity as historical epochs, I challenge his analysis of a postmodern divide and sketch out an alternative conception (...)
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  15.  92
    Free Means Ethical.Douglas Moggach - 2001 - The Owl of Minerva 33 (1):1-24.
    Bruno Bauer has been the subject of intense controversies since the 1830s, yet his work remains inaccessible and his meaning elusive. He is most familiar as the object of Marx’s sharp polemical attacks in the Holy Family and the German Ideology, though Albert Schweitzer, in his widely-noted Quest of the Historical Jesus, gives him a receptive and sensitive reading. Bauer is a far more complex figure than the caricature that Marx’s denunciations make of him. In the decisive political circumstances (...)
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  16. The Empirical Content of the Epistemic Asymmetry.Douglas Kutach - manuscript
    I conduct an empirical analysis of the temporally asymmetric character of our epistemic access to the world by providing an experimental scheme whose results represent the core empirical content of the epistemic asymmetry. I augment this empirical content by formulating a gedanken experiment inspired by a proposal from David Albert. This second experiment cannot be conducted using any technology that is likely to be developed in the foreseeable future, but the expected results help us to state an important constraint (...)
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  17.  38
    Le Livre du ciel et du monde. Nicole Oresme, Albert D. Menut, Alexander J. DenomyNicole Oresme and the Medieval Geometry of Qualities and Motions. Marshall Clagett. [REVIEW]William Wallace - 1969 - Isis 60 (4):562-564.
  18.  21
    Aeschines κοιτοφοροσ.S. Douglas Olson - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):297-299.
    According to the manuscripts of On the Crown, Demosthenes mockingly claims that, as the youthful Aeschines led processions in his mother's mystery-cult celebrations, he was hailed by various old women as ἔξαρχος καὶ προηγεμὼν καὶ κιττοφόρος καὶ λικνοφόρος καὶ τοιαῦθ’. Τhese are clearly special titles—Aeschines is not just one celebrant among many but a leading figure in the train of worshippers—and recent editors accordingly note that κιττοφόρος seems weak and follow Albert Rubens in printing instead κιστοφόρος, which Harpocration reports (...)
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  19.  43
    The Fusion Philosophy of Crawford-Frost.J. Douglas Rabb - 1986 - Idealistic Studies 16 (1):77-92.
    William Albert Crawford-Frost was a Canadian born philosopher who developed a unique form of idealism that he called the Philosophy of Integration. This he presented in 1906 in a book by that title which he described in the subtitle as An Explanation of the Universe and of the Christian Religion. What I have taken the liberty of calling his Fusion Philosophy is the metaphysical theory outlined in this work as explained and developed further in his two other books, Old (...)
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  20.  65
    Dissertações e Teses v.2 n.3.Carlos Frederico Barboza de Souza, Maria Aparecida Carvalho de Castro, Cleto Caliman, João Pereira Pinto & Douglas Cabral Dantas - 2003 - Horizonte 2 (3):131-135.
    No mais profundo centro: João da Cruz e o Sufismo Sadili cantam a união transformante Carlos Frederico Barboza de Souza O camelô em Belo Horizonte: aspectos da informalidade e da identidade Maria Aparecida Carvalho de Castro Igreja, povo de Deus, sujeito da comunhão e da missão Cleto Caliman A literatura como questionamento do sujeito da modernidade: Memórias do cárcere, de Graciliano Ramos, e A peste, de Albert Camus João Pereira Pinto O ensino religioso na rede pública estadual de Belo (...)
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  21. Quantum Mechanics and Experience.David Z. Albert - 1992 - Harvard Up.
    Presents a guide to the basics of quantum mechanics and measurement.
  22. Springs of Action: Understanding Intentional Behavior.Albert R. MELE - 1992
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  23.  19
    Argumentation Methods for Artificial Intelligence in Law.Douglas Walton - 2005 - Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer.
    Use of argumentation methods applied to legal reasoning is a relatively new field of study. The book provides a survey of the leading problems, and outlines how future research using argumentation-based methods show great promise of leading to useful solutions. The problems studied include not only these of argument evaluation and argument invention, but also analysis of specific kinds of evidence commonly used in law, like witness testimony, circumstantial evidence, forensic evidence and character evidence. New tools for analyzing these kinds (...)
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  24.  13
    Ontologie oder Metaphysik?: Die Diskussion über den Gegenstand der Metaphysik im 13. und 14. Jahrh.Albert Zimmermann - 2022 - BRILL.
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  25. Cultural rules and material relations.Douglas V. Porpora - 1993 - Sociological Theory 11 (2):212-229.
    This paper attempts to synthesize the Winchian stress on constitutive rules with the Marxian stress on material relationships by developing the concept of emergently material social relations. Such relationships, it is argued, arise from the constitutive rules that constitute a group's way of life. Although such relationships thus are derivative from the conscious rule-following behavior of actors, nevertheless they have an objective existence independent of actors' specific awareness. It is argued that such material relations are an important mechanism beyond the (...)
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  26. Casuistry as methodology in clinical ethics.Albert R. Jonsen - 1991 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 12 (4).
    This essay focuses on how casuistry can become a useful technique of practical reasoning for the clinical ethicist or ethics consultant. Casuistry is defined, its relationship to rhetorical reasoning and its interpretation of cases, by employing three terms that, while they are not employed by the classical rhetoricians and casuists, conform, in a general way, to the features of their work. Those terms are (1) morphology, (2) taxonomy, (3) kinetics. The morphology of a case reveals the invariant structure of the (...)
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  27.  34
    Plausible Argumentation in Eikotic Arguments: The Ancient Weak Versus Strong Man Example.Douglas Walton - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (1):45-74.
    In this paper it is shown how plausible reasoning of the kind illustrated in the ancient Greek example of the weak and strong man can be analyzed and evaluated using a procedure in which the pro evidence is weighed against the con evidence using formal, computational argumentation tools. It is shown by means of this famous example how plausible reasoning is based on an audience’s recognition of situations of a type they are familiar with as normal and comprehensible in their (...)
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  28. (2 other versions)Berkeley's Philosophy of Mathematics.Douglas M. Jesseph - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (3):927-928.
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    Why Are There Two Versions of Meno’s Paradox?Douglas A. Shepardson - 2022 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (3):465-486.
    This article seeks to answer why there are two different versions of Meno’s Paradox. I argue that the dilemma contained in Socrates’s version is a pre-existing puzzle, familiar to both Meno and Socrates before their discussion. The two versions of the paradox are thus different because Meno’s version is a mistaken attempt to remember the puzzle contained in Socrates’s version. Although Meno’s version is a mistaken attempt to state Socrates’s version, it is a philosophically richer puzzle that makes three interesting (...)
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  30.  7
    Kulturphilosophie.Albert Schweitzer - 2007 - C.H.Beck.
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    Reverence for life.Albert Schweitzer - 1965 - New York,: Philosophical Library; [distributed to the trade by Book Sales.
    "Though I was well aware that Albert Schweitzer preached a great deal both before and after he became a physician, I never encountered any of his sermons until ...
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  32. On the nature of relationships involving the observer and the observed phenomenon in psychology and physics.Douglas M. Snyder - 1983 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 4 (3):389-400.
  33.  78
    Three Appeals in Peirce's Neglected Argument.Douglas R. Anderson - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (3):349 - 362.
  34.  21
    Modern Social Contract Theory.Albert Weale - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Modern Social Contract Theory provides an exposition and evaluation of major work in social contract theory from 1950 to the present. It locates the central themes of that theory in the intellectual legacy of utilitarianism, particularly the problems of defining principles of justice and of showing the grounds of moral obligation. It demonstrates how theorists responded in a novel way to the dilemmas articulated in utilitarianism, developing in their different approaches a constructivist method in ethics, a method that aimed to (...)
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    The small‐is‐very‐small principle.Albert Visser - 2019 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 65 (4):453-478.
    The central result of this paper is the small‐is‐very‐small principle for restricted sequential theories. The principle says roughly that whenever the given theory shows that a definable property has a small witness, i.e., a witness in a sufficiently small definable cut, then it shows that the property has a very small witness: i.e., a witness below a given standard number. Which cuts are sufficiently small will depend on the complexity of the formula defining the property. We draw various consequences from (...)
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  36.  49
    Infection control for third-party benefit: lessons from criminal justice.Thomas Douglas - 2020 - Monash Bioethics Review 38 (1):17-31.
    This article considers what can be learned regarding the ethical acceptability of intrusive interventions intended to halt the spread of infectious disease (‘Infection Control’ measures) from existing ethical discussion of intrusive interventions used to prevent criminal conduct (‘Crime Control’ measures). The main body of the article identifies and briefly describes six objections that have been advanced against Crime Control, and considers how these might apply to Infection Control. The final section then draws out some more general lessons from the foregoing (...)
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  37. VALUES IN SCIENCE: An Introduction.Douglas Allchin - unknown
    Values intersect with science in three primary ways. First, there are values, particularly epistemic values, which guide scientific research itself. Second, the scientific enterprise is always embedded in some particular culture and values enter science through its individual practitioners, whether consciously or not. Finally, values emerge from science, both as a product and process, and may be redistributed more broadly in the culture or society. Also, scientific discoveries may pose new social challenges about values, though the values themselves may be (...)
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  38.  41
    Who's a Pragmatist: Royce and Peirce at the Turn of the Century.Douglas R. Anderson - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (3):467 - 481.
  39.  13
    Um Maquiavel de Althusser: acerca do fundamento na Filosofia Política contempor'nea.Douglas Ferreira Barros - 2011 - Cadernos Espinosanos 25:47.
    O presente texto aprofundará a interpretação de Althusser à obra de Maquiavel naquilo que concerne ao tema dos limites da ação humana. Tomando a análise do príncipe novo e as longas referências à oposição entre as noções de Virtù e de Fortuna, que constam principalmente da obra Política e História, pretendemos mostrar por que a leitura de Althusser do filósofo florentino nos remete a uma discussão contemporânea da filosofia política acerca dos fundamentos do poder e da própria filosofia. A questão (...)
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    On the Constructive Convergence of Series of Independent Functions.Douglas S. Bridges - 1979 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 25 (3-6):93-96.
  41.  33
    Creativity, correspondence, and statements about the future.Douglas Browning - 1968 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (4):514-536.
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    The Legislation of Spurius Thorius.A. E. Douglas - 1956 - American Journal of Philology 77 (4):376.
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  43.  25
    The Life of Sir Alexander Fleming. Discoverer of PenicillinAndre Maurois Gerard Hopkins.Douglas Guthrie - 1960 - Isis 51 (3):369-370.
  44. In Practice: Improvisation.Douglas P. Olson - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  45.  17
    Tarski and Philosophy.Douglas Patterson (ed.) - 2008 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    New Essays on Tarski and Philosophy contains newly commissioned essays on the philosophical aspects of the work of Polish logician, mathematician and philosopher Alfred Tarski. Topics covered include Tarski's relations to other Polish figures, e.g. Lesniewski and Kotarbinski, the Vienna Circle, and other figures such as Hilbert and others who studied the foundations of mathematics and logic at the time. The volume also includes essays interpreting and criticizing Tarski's views.
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    Participatory Democracy and Criminal Justice.Albert W. Dzur - 2012 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 6 (2):115-129.
    This essay asks if there is a role for an active public in ratcheting down the harsh politics of crime control in the United States and the United Kingdom that has led to increased use of the criminal law and greater severity in punishment. It considers two opposing answers offered by political and legal theorists and then begins to develop a participatory democratic framework for institutional reform.
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    3. Peirce and Representative Persons.Douglas R. Anderson - 1997 - In Richard E. Hart & Douglas R. Anderson (eds.), Philosophy in experience: American philosophy in transition. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 77-88.
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    Philosophy as Culture: Getting Rid of the Professional “of” in Philosophy as a Way of Life.Douglas Anderson - 2018 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 2 (3):143-147.
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  49.  15
    United States Banking Structure in 2000: Only Fools Make Predictions.Douglas V. Austin - 1987 - Business and Society 26 (1):1-8.
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    Categorisation in Indian Philosophy: Thinking Inside the Box ed. by Jessica Frazier.Douglas L. Berger - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (2):655-660.
    In Categorisation in Indian Philosophy: Thinking Inside the Box, Jessica Frazier has brought together an impressive array of scholars who have contributed nine essays, plus an introductory and concluding chapter, both written by her, which collectively provide a most fruitful perspective for examining classical South Asian traditions of thought. Creating categorial frameworks was certainly a prolific activity among the ancient and medieval authors of the darśanas, and indeed these authors drew heavily from pre-scholastic texts and language to build their systems. (...)
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